Thursday, October 6, 2011

Are You Serious?!

So the weather around here has been pretty crappy lately, the usual Fall stuff. This week it decides to show us a little bit more of summer. Why complain you ask, because I am leaving for Florida and the weather there has gone from sunny and 89 to cloudy, rainy and thunderstorms and 79. Seriously? I know Danny is the cause. ( sorry Hun). He has had a cloud over him since the Mac Race. It poured the first day on our cruise and now this. Hopefully this is Florida rain and it will do all it's raining on the other side of the street and leave us alone ( those of you who live in Florida know what I am talking about). It could also do the 10 minutes of storm thing too. I just can't picture driving all that way and having to sit inside for the whole trip. I will go nuts.

Today makes this trip seem so close, finally. I have to take a bunch of stuff over to my parents' house so they can put it in their car to give us more room for "Our Boys". I don't think they have any idea what they are in for. I for one don't want to laundry while on vacation so therefore have packed enough for the entire time. We did pack smart in that we used squishy duffle bags instead of my hard shell suitcase.

I made my weight goal for this trip early and actually lost an extra 5 pounds so things are looking up. I want to walk a lot on the beach to keep my training up and I am actually scheduled for a 5-k on our last day in Florida. Hopefully playing in the water with the dogs will help keep my weight down as well since we are spending this trip with my parents and my mom is an awesome cook. I just have to remember: Portion control, portion control.

Time to get the last of the things we need packed up, because tomorrow we are off.

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